Flat feet are a common diagnosis that occurs when the feet are pressed flat when standing. In most instances, flat feet are not a serious problem and should not limit physical activity. However, in some cases, flat feet can bring about complications and limitations that would require a visit to a podiatrist.

Though many suffer no illness or pain from having flat feet, others aren’t so lucky. Flat feet can end up painful or even result in ankle instability and foot deformities. This condition can also have an effect on your gait — the way you walk — and if that becomes impaired or uncomfortable, moving becomes a huge problem for an individual.

Your feet are properly-designed tools that take you where you need to go, helps you to work and play, and carry you at some point of a lifetime. The reason of your arch is to help your toes to support the burden of your body in a balanced, yet flexible manner, and to drive you ahead as you walk or run. Your arches are a mixture of muscle, ligaments, tendons, and bones.

Your foot has following three arches:

  • The medial arch
  • The lateral arch
  • The anterior transverse arch

The medial and lateral arches cross up and down the length of your foot, at the same time as the anterior transverse arch runs across your foot. When they move in concert, they allow you to walk, jump, run comfortably and provide shock absorption during those activities.

Problems associated with flat feet include:

  • Pain in legs while walking.
  • Pain in both knees while walking due to improper weight shifting on knees.
  • Pain can be felt in your heel or arches.
  • Back pain due to poor body mechanics and postural imbalance during walking and running.
  • Swelling in legs and inner part of your feet.
  • Numbness in your feet and ankles.
  • Feet can be fatigued early.
  • Bunions can be formed.
  • Hammertoes
  • Callus formations.

Regardless of these complications, flat feet can cause excessive pronation of feet. Which causes your ankle to move inward and downward while you walk or run. This always happens when you try to walk forward. Because of this imbalance, your weight shifts improperly, and weight distribution gets affected which result in poor body mechanics, ultimately mobility is compromised. When mobility is compromised, quality of life is negatively impacted, which can lead to decreased activity.

Problems created by flat feet can impact everyday life, but proper and timely treatment can help you get rid of these problems and make you more active in your daily life activities. If you see yourself with no arches, you need to consult a podiatrist to get treatment as soon as possible to limit and decrease any complications related to flat feet.

Dr. Zubeen Mistry at DFW Foot and Ankle care can provide treatment options for flat foot. If you have any questions about flat feet or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zubeen Mistry, contact our office at (469) 551-8595.