pediatric foot doctor

Common Pediatric Foot Diagnoses

Young children, including babies and toddlers, are susceptible to common foot problems similar to those of adults. The bones of pediatric patients have not grown to full capacity and can present various problems that will be discussed in this post.

What are some common pediatric foot problems?

Because of their rapid development and activity level, children require unique care to ensure their condition does not leave a lasting impact on their foot health. Having healthy feet and ankles can help your child avoid a number of podiatric conditions in adulthood. Common pediatric foot problems include:

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail occurs when the toenail grows abnormally and digs into the flesh surrounding the nail. Ingrown toenails are typically the result of improper trimming, injuries, or wearing tight-fitting shoes. Ingrown toenails can cause great discomfort and often leads to infection. Some persons are prone to ingrown toenails because of the natural shape of their toenails. Nails that grow curved or downward are more likely to experience in growth.

Plantar warts

Plantar warts are rough, fleshy growths that can develop on the bottom of feet. Plantar warts are caused by a type of human papillomavirus (HPV) that can enter through a break or small cut in the skin. Although plantar warts are typically harmless, they can cause discomfort and easily spread to other areas of the body. Because plantar warts are highly contagious, young children and teens are at an increased risk. Many children get plantar warts from public areas like locker rooms and pools.

Toenail fungus

Nail fungus is another condition that commonly affects an individual. Nail fungus is an infection caused by a number of different fungi that result in discolouration and brittle, crumbly nails. Nail fungus is unsightly and can cause your child’s feet to emit a foul odour.

What are congenital deformities?

Congenital foot deformities include conditions like clubfoot, flat feet, and calcaneovalgus foot. Congenital foot deformities can impair your child’s mobility and lead to further complications as they get older. Pediatric foot problem specialists offer accurate diagnoses and individualized treatment for a wide range of congenital foot deformities.

If your child suffers from a foot deformity, a podiatrist can help to discuss your concerns and educate you on the safest and most effective treatment options. Although many congenital foot deformities can be treated through conservative techniques, the practice also offers a number of safe and effective surgical procedures.

What treatments are available for pediatric foot problems?

Treatment for foot problems depends on the specifics of their condition. After a thorough evaluation, your podiatrist may recommend a number of treatments, including:

  • Splinting
  • Casting
  • Antifungal medication
  • Antibiotics
  • Custom orthotics

In some cases, your foot problem may require surgery. Pediatric foot problem specialists have extensive experience performing a number of different procedures. To speak with a doctor about your child’s foot or ankle problem, book an appointment by phone or online today.

Dr Zubeen Mistry at DFW Foot and Ankle Care can provide treatment options, including pediatric foot conditions. If you have any questions about ankle fusions or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr Zubeen Mistry, contact our office at (469) 551-8595.