diabetic foot specialist

5 Ways to Prevent a Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Diabetes is a serious condition that can have many negative effects on your body, but one of the most dangerous is an ulcer. Diabetic foot ulcers are typically caused by poor circulation, which leads to infection and tissue death. These 5 ways listed below will help prevent diabetic foot ulcers from happening in the first place!

  1. Wear the right shoes

Although it might seem obvious, many people with diabetes don’t wear the right shoes. Make sure to pick out a pair of shoes that fit your feet well and offer proper support for your ankles.


  1. Keep your feet dry and clean

One of the first things to go when you have diabetes is your sense of feeling. If you can’t feel pain, it becomes harder and takes longer to realize that something isn’t right with your feet. This makes it incredibly important to keep them as dry and clean as possible so they don’t get infected!

If you have any open wounds on your foot, make sure to clean them out at least twice per day!


  1. Do not walk barefoot or wear sandals with open backs

Although many people with diabetes walk around barefoot or in flip flops, you should not do this! It’s much easier for small objects like rocks and glass to get stuck between your feet. This can lead to infections because there is no barrier between the ground and your skin when wearing sandals without backs.


  1. Avoid tight clothing that restricts blood flow to the lower extremities

If you have diabetes, it’s important to avoid wearing tight clothing that might restrict blood flow. This includes skinny jeans and stockings with constricting bands on the ankles!

Try not to wear clothes that are too loose either because they can also get caught on things around your home.


  1. Maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle habits, including exercise and dieting

Taking care of your weight and lifestyle habits is one of the best ways to prevent diabetic foot ulcers from happening in the first place. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking .

These steps will help improve blood circulation which reduces the risk for developing an ulcer.


Diabetic foot ulcers are among the most debilitating and dangerous conditions that can affect someone with diabetes. Prevention is key, but if you suffer from a diabetic foot ulcer it’s important to visit your doctor for treatment as soon as possible to avoid any serious complications or infections! If you think you may be at risk of developing diabetic foot ulcers, make sure to take these 5 steps. Do not let anything get in the way of preventing this condition! And remember, DFW Foot Ankle Care specializes in treating all types of feet problems including diabetic foot ulcers. We treat patients on an outpatient basis so no need to worry about missing work while we heal your wounds – just call us today!”