neuroma pain relief

5 Symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma pain is an often overlooked and misunderstood condition. People may not know they have it, or what to do about it. So for this blog post, we are going to explore the 5 most common symptoms of Morton’s neuroma pain, which you can use as a diagnostic tool to figure out if you actually have this problem.

  1. Pain in the ball of the foot

This is the most common symptom of Morton’s Neuroma and it can be quite painful at times. The pain normally starts off as a dull ache but this may turn into sharp or throbbing pain if you put pressure on your foot for example when walking, running, standing up from sitting down etc.

  1. Burning or tingling sensation in the toes

This is also a common complaint of Morton’s Neuroma. It can affect any or all the toes on your foot but it tends to be most troublesome for the affected toe that presses into the ball of the foot where there are many pressure points.

  1. A lump on top of the foot, near where it meets with your leg

This is often an indication of Morton’s Neuroma. The lump can be felt underneath the skin on top of your foot, between where it meets with your leg and your toes begin. It normally feels like a small pea or marble under the skin but in some cases, particularly when you press on it with a finger nail, you may feel a sharp pain radiating through your foot.

  1. Redness and swelling around nerve roots in your feet

This is another common sign of Morton’s Neuroma. It normally occurs around the area where you have experienced pain or numbness at one time or another, which makes it fairly easy to diagnose if you are aware that this condition exists in your foot.

  1. Difficulty walking due to pain from Morton’s Neuroma

This is a very common symptom that many people complain of with Morton’s Neuroma. If your feet are giving you trouble walking, then it may be time to consult a doctor and get yourself checked out for this condition.


Morton’s neuroma is a common condition that can be difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of this problem are often overlooked or misdiagnosed, which means people may not know they have it, what it is, and how to treat it. Luckily for you, we are here with the 5 most common symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma pain so you don’t have to go through life in chronic pain! If these sound familiar then visit us at DFW Foot Ankle Care where our team will help figure out if your foot problems stem from an issue such as a Morton’s neuroma. We’ll also give you treatment options and put together a plan tailored just for your needs!